Saturday Morning ME GOP Convention Tweets

Posted on May 5, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

A collection of various pictures, news stories and observations from the Augusta Civic Center, home of the 2012 Maine Republican Party State Convention.

(From 5/04/12)

Bruce Bourgoine ‏ @BruceBourgoine Charlie asks #megop delegates arrive 8:15 bcause he fears Ron Paul takeover #mepolitics As if Paul people will sleep in

Lyle ‏ @Citizensnews
MT @CollinsWatch: MT @David_Sharp_AP Paul supporters takeover: /Odd to make democracy like a hostage crisis#mepolitics

Matt McDonald ‏ @Matt_McDonald_
I am calling #Maine for #RonPaul right now. The #MaineGOP cannot even imagine what is coming tomorrow. #RonPaul #R3volition#Tsunami

Matt McDonald ‏ @Matt_McDonald_
@Citizensnews @DirigoBlue Ron Paul will walk away Maine with 15 out of 24 National Delegates.

Pat Callaghan ‏ @PatCallaghan6
Ron Paul team looks for strong showing at ME GOP convention Could Paul himself make an appearance?#MEPolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Maine GOP Head Warns Against Ron Paulians #RonPaul #mepolitics #megop

Scott Thistle ‏ @thisdog
Is Maine GOP convention live streaming? #mepolitics linkage? who’s there in a.m.?

(From Saturday, 5/05/12)

Avery Day ‏ @averydayME
Giant line to get into the convention. Got here at 6:30 and this crowd was already here.

Jim Fossel ‏ @JWFoss
#megop convention (@ Augusta Civic Center)

Andrea Parkinson ‏ @andiparkinson2

@BruceBourgoine Ron Paul supporters told be there by 5-6am. Civic Center must be madhouse by now #mepolitics #megop

Jim Fossel ‏ @JWFoss
Signs of the #megop convention:!/JWFoss/status/198529907368792064/photo/1

Dan Demeritt ‏ @DemerittDan
Megop line.!/DemerittDan/status/198750418346582016/photo/1

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
is at the #MEGOPConvo camera set up Was told 1000 delegates waiting in line to check at 6:00 AM Still a long line outside #mepolitics

Steve Mistler ‏ @stevemistler
This pic doesn’t do justice to the line into the Me GOP state convention, but here it is. #mepolitics!/stevemistler/status/198751765678665728/photo/1

Andrea Parkinson ‏ @andiparkinson2
@stevemistler Get camera crew up to Wal-Mart parking lot; great view of Civic Center to lights. Sunday front page shot? #megop #mepolitics

Steve Mistler ‏ @stevemistler
Ron Paul supporters handing out informational packets to supporters, including stickers for the ballot. #mepolitics!/stevemistler/status/198756458987397120/photo/1

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue

MaineWire handing out free copies of print version Smart move#MEGOPConvo #mepolitics

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
Line of delegates still +300 yards long Start of #MEGOPConvo delayed D’Amboise & Schneider working the line Hello Kitty too #mepolitics

KJ_Online ‏ @KJ_Online
Thousands pour in to GOP convention in Augusta:

Susan Cover ‏ @smcover
GOP convention to start late. Long lines outside Augusta Civic Center.

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
@DirigoDuke @stevemistler @DirigoBlue Hard to tell, they’re still letting people in. Convention is 35 min late. #mepolitics #megop .

Lyle ‏ @Citizensnews
.@PressHerald God forbid Glenn Adams be swayed by either side. Innocence a reporters great virtue: #mepolitics #nobias

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
Me GP. Convention about to start

Steve Mistler ‏ @stevemistler
Capitol Ticker: Paul supporters geared up for convention battle: #mepolitics

Bob Higgins ‏ @BobHiggins_PDS
is anybody streaming it? #mepolitics #MEGOPConvo

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
Me GOP convention officially underway

Avery Day ‏ @averydayME
Convo starts almost an hour late due to delay in credentialing so many delegates.

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage

Maine GOP convention just kicked off. #mepolitics (@ Augusta Civic Center)

Maine Politics ‏ @MainePolitics
@ASFried @TheKingGin @BenPollard2012 @DirigoBlue for about 5 seconds… then we watch five minutes of political cheerleading in campaign ads

Jim Fossel ‏ @JWFoss
.@SenRogerKatz welcomes the #megop convention to Augusta!/JWFoss/status/198774378585006081/photo/1

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25

Convention is starting now…an hour late. #megop #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
@ASFried @DirigoDuke @stevemistler @DirigoBlue Much higher turnout than usual. #mepolitics #megop

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
Settled in at the Maine GOP convention in Augusta. Things are just getting started. #mepolitics

Matt McDonald ‏ @Matt_McDonald_
Charlie Webster opens the Maine GOP Convention one hour late#mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
They forgot to recognize Androscoggin County in opening. Man, I now know how Waldo feels…#megop #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
Things evidently are are little behind at Maine GOP convention because so many delegates had to wait in line. More than 3,000 here.

Matt McDonald ‏ @Matt_McDonald_
#RonPaul is very popular at the #MEGOP Convention!/Matt_McDonald_/status/198775363264974849/photo/1

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
#RonPaul supporters. Follow #mepolitics and #megop hashtags for#Maine convention updates and discussion!

Kippy Rudy ‏ @Kippyrudy
@DirigoBlue Does @BillForMaine really have a miniature shooting range at his booth? #MEGOPConvo #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
The big question at Maine GOP convention: Will there be a Ron Paul takeover? #mepolitics!/i/connect

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
Many U.S. House and Senate candidates were working the lines Saturday morning at Maine GOP convention. #mepolitics

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
@Kippyrudy I only saw a leather couch in @BillForMaine booth#mepolitics Range might be out back

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
Charles Cragin and Brent Tweed nominated for convention chair #mepolitics

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage

Looks like I’m repping the tv press on my own. still a pretty rockin press riser though @BDNPolitics @SusanSharon1 @DirigoBlue@stevemistler

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
Webster calls for chair of each county to count votes for#MEGOPConvo chair #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
The keynote speaker at the Maine GOP convention — just announced on Friday — is Mitt Romney’s brother, Scott Romney #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
@sarahdelage Way to represent. I don’t know where the others are. This has great video potential!

Avery Day ‏ @averydayME
First vote for secretary unclear b/t Paul and Romney candidates – getting recount now. The first test of who has the votes. #mepolitics

State GOP convention begins today: Republicans in Maine will meet in Augusta today for their state convention to…

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Convention Secretary vote occurring now. Hand vote inconclusive, individual municipality votes now. #mepolitics #megop

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
@cdixon25 Any inkling what’s driving attendance spike? Paulites? Senate candidates? Charlie’s Insider Army?

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
U.S. Sen. Susan Collins scheduled to speak at Maine GOP convention today. U.S. House candidates also have time. #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
This is getting intense already. #mepolitics #megop

Kippy Rudy ‏ @Kippyrudy
“@DirigoBlue: @Kippyrudy only saw leather couch @BillForMaine booth #mepolitics Range might be out back” You see a target, I wants photos.

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
@sarahdelage @BDNPolitics @DirigoBlue @stevemistler How is the view from your spot on the riser?

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
@averydayME How many #MEGOPConvo secretary candidates are there? Clearly a TPTB nominee and a Paul/TP nominee?

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
@Kippyrudy It’s a Nerf gun with a little target at @BillForMaine booth I’ll get a photo later #mepolitics

Maine Politics ‏ @MainePolitics
Dirigo Blue: Maine Republican Convention Thread mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
No county positions elected until this afternoon. This recount is chaos.#mepolitics #megop

Lyle ‏ @Citizensnews
RT @cdixon25: No county positions elected until this afternoon. This recount is chaos. #mepolitics #megop

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
“@cdixon25: This is getting intense already. #mepolitics #megop”#MEGOPConvo

Kippy Rudy ‏ @Kippyrudy

“@DirigoBlue: @Kippyrudy It’s a Nerf gun with a little target at@BillForMaine booth I’ll get a photo later #mepolitics” Totally fabulous!

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
@DirigoDuke Both. #RonPaul supporters are big, #megopestablishment also tried to push in their own. #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
@SusanSharon1 @sarahdelage @DirigoBlue @stevemistler I’m liking my accommodations. Do they have refreshments for the media?

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
Voting at Me GOP convention is hung up; recount takng place

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
This is a very disorganized convention. The Kansas City #Royals only wish they could screw up as much as the #megop. #mepolitics

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage
Recount already? That’s ok. You can never have enough b roll of people holding up blue cards. #mepolitics #maineGOP

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
@BDNPolitics @sarahdelage @DirigoBlue @stevemistler I don’t know but the press badges are large enough to carry a sandwich in

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
Manual counting of votes going on for selection of secretary at Maine GOP convention. Could be a long day. #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Looks like lunch will be late. I’m glad the #RonPaul campaign brought me donuts this morning. #mepolitics #megop

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
@BDNPolitics How many of the 3k+ at #MEGOPConvo are voting delegates?

Steve Mistler ‏ @stevemistler

A few Paul organizers est they have 3-to-1 advantage. Voting for convention chair now. #mepolitics

Steve Mistler ‏ @stevemistler
Paul supporters walking aisles reminding delegates who to support, who to oppose. Very organized, these folks. #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
So what exactly does a Ron Paul “takeover” at Maine GOP convention mean? Stay tuned, I guess. #mepolitics

Avery Day ‏ @averydayME

@DirigoDuke just two candidates. Manual recount taking a while. Standby for results.

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
Michael Heath is here passing out his homophobic flyers #mepolitics

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
I have already blown through half a pack of batteries and nothing has happened yet #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
National committeepeople were supposed to be elected 45 minutes ago. We don’t even have a convention secretary yet. #mepolitics #megop

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
@stevemistler First with the red NAY signs and now with the green YEA ones 526 Paulians at the training last night and it shows#mepolitics

Avery Day ‏ @averydayME
Delgts voting for Paul Secretary in manual recount. Paul floor whip w/green card in pic #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
Yes, they are still counting votes. Trying to figure out who should be elected as secretary of Maine GOP convention.

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
We are watching a video at the Me GOP convention as the voting continues

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Convention secretary recount in progress. National committeepeople vote now an hour late. #mepolitics #megop

Avery Day ‏ @averydayME
Manual recount continues – only York cty votes remain to be counted.

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Convention secretary recount happening AGAIN. Third vote in progress. Pure chaos. #mepolitics #megop

Mohammad Liberty ‏ @MohammadLiberty
Ron Paul sweeps Louisiana with 111 of 150 delegates

Bob Higgins ‏ @BobHiggins_PDS

waiting for my twitter to explode #mepolitcs #MEGOPConvo

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage
While they count votes, I’m dreaming up a #maineGOP drinking game. Sip 4 every point of order, bow tie, and someone removed from the floor.

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Charlie Webster is gone at the end of the year. First the caucus, now the convention. #mepolitics #megop

Follow @sarahdelage for updates on the Maine GOP convention

TLB ‏ @wgadget

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage
.@WCSH6 warning: there’s ping to e a fair amount of humor sprinkled in with the info. Gotta keep busy while they count votes! #mepolitics

Amy Fried ‏ @ASFried
@DirigoBlue Heath is banking on other people having the same gut reaction he has. Question is whether others will. #mepolitics

Matt McDonald ‏ @Matt_McDonald_
Police officers are walking up and down the aisles at the #Maine #GOP Convention. #RonPaul #mepolitics

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage
You better have your credentials if you want to get on this floor. Running a tight ship! #mepolitics #mainegop!/sarahdelage/status/198789978971570176/photo/1

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage
#RonPaul supporters are here in force. #mepolitics #maineGOP!/sarahdelage/status/198791203062423552/photo/1

Lyle ‏ @Citizensnews
Live Stream: @DemerittDan: 4 latest from convention. Don’t ask me, I’m not there @averydayME can be trusted #mepolitics

Dan Demeritt ‏ @DemerittDan
@BDNPolitics I said it would be a long day 2 hours ago. Use RT or MT if you want to push someone else’s content. #Ha #Ha

Troy R. Bennett ‏ @Troy_R_Bennett
I would estimate the GOP convention is 1.5 hours behind schedule. I hope Collins doesn’t have afternoon plans. #mepolitics #MEGOPConvo

Anthony Ronzio ‏ @Ronzio
I think I’m going to pop some popcorn for watching #mepolitics today.

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
@DemerittDan Are you here? Come say hi.

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
@Ronzio I suggest popping one kernel at a time #mepolitics

Michael Shepherd ‏ @mikeshepherdME
@Ronzio I’m sitting in commencement tied to my phone. Pins and needles. #mepolitics

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
“@rklindell: Police patrol isles during #MEGOPConvo voting for convention secretary #mepolitics ” // Afraid somebody will steal the vote?

Anthony Ronzio ‏ @Ronzio
@mikeshepherdME On behalf of the #mepolitics crowd, let me be the first to congratulate you on your graduation. NOW PUT THE PHONE DOWN.

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
45 minutes until lunch…and we still have no Convention Secretary. Two hours behind schedule. #mepolitics #megop

Anthony Ronzio ‏ @Ronzio
@mikeshepherdME On behalf of the #mepolitics crowd, congrats on your graduation. Now, put the damned phone away and enjoy it. 😉

Bob Higgins ‏ @BobHiggins_PDS
@Ronzio @DirigoBlue popcorn hell this demands whiskey.

Jim Fossel ‏ @JWFoss
Had a nice chat this morning with Ben Ginsburg at the #megop convention.

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
The delay on counting votes for the Convo secretary is only going to feed the feelings of bad faith leftover from the caucuses #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
“@Ronzio: I think I’m going to pop some popcorn for watching #mepolitics today.” // Hope you have an industrial-size tub. #TheLongestDay

Steve Mistler ‏ @stevemistler
Ron Morrell wins convention secretary of convention. First victory for Ron Paul: #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
Ron Paul supporter Ron Morrell narrowly picked as secretary of the Maine GOP convention. @mepolitics

Avery Day ‏ @averydayME
Results in for first key vote – 1085 – 1119 -Paul candidate wins. #mepolitics

Anthony Ronzio ‏ @Ronzio
@DirigoBlue –> When will you start adding #schadenfraude to all your #mepolitics tweets today?

Matt McDonald ‏ @Matt_McDonald_
#RonPaul guy wins #MaineGOP2012 secretary at the Convention

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage
Ron Morrell elected as convention secretary. Vote was close. #mepolitics

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
@cdixon25 Any indication why vote taking so long? Why’d they have to count third time?

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
Ron Paul wins first victory at Me GOP convention with elex of Ron Moral as secretary of convention #me politics

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
Submitted for your consideration: #MEGOPConvo vote count taking so long because Maine has twice as many counties as it truly needs #Discuss

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Convention Chair vote in progress. Let’s hope to god this doesn’t take two hours to do. #CharlieMustGo #mepolitics #megop

Troy R. Bennett ‏ @Troy_R_Bennett
Pro Ron Paul secretary elected. #maineGOP #MEGOPConvo #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
@DirigoDuke Disputes, it sounds like. This is a very tense atmosphere here #mepolitics #megop

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
That is Morrell ..Ron Morrell #mepolitics

Bob Higgins ‏ @BobHiggins_PDS
#mepolitics WTSF.. stream went to commercial just at announcement

R. Kenneth Lindell ‏ @rklindell
Paul candidate for convention secretary @Ron Morrell wins by close vote #MEGOPConvo #mepolitics #maineGOP

Mike Tipping ‏ @miketipping
What kind of potato is being used to “stream” this #megop convention coverage: #mepolitics Is there a better feed?

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage
#RonPaul supporters claiming Morrell as first win of the convention. One says 500+ Paul supporters showed up for training last night.

PGarrity ‏ @PGarrityCom
Hey Matt G. is this classy enough for you? MaineWire re-defines the meaning of a “faux news rag” – #mepolitics #megop

blackthisout ‏ @blackthisout
Maine convention secretary vote done! Ron Paul backer wins huge. #RonPaul #GOP2012

Richard Thackeray ‏ @millhouwse
“Aisles” or is it Marine Patrol? RT: @rklindell Police patrol isles during Maine GOP convention voting for convention secretary #mepolitics

Amy Fried ‏ @ASFried
Paul v Romney: Keep an eye on the Maine GOP convention: #mepolitics #megop

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
Candidate for national committee chair lists 1st 2 qualification: small biz owner and new media savvy #mepolitics

Lyle ‏ @Citizensnews
Obviously not a connoisseur @miketipping: What kind of potato is being used to “stream” #megop convention: #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
A GOP party rep. just said “There is a lot of action going on for no action.” Convention could turn into a free-for-all soon. #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
@Ronzio Too bad there’s no livestream for this circus. #mepolitics #megop

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Charlie Webster said #megop mission under him was to “take over”. I thought those were bad? #HypocritePolitics #mepolitics

Andrea Parkinson ‏ @andiparkinson2
@cdixon25 @Ronzio Link to livestream #megop #mepolitics #MEGOPConvo

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Charlie Webster is speaking while votes counted. Sounds like he is making the case for an unlikely re-election as chair. #megop #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Convention Chair recount for Cumberland County. There was significant difference in their tallies. #mepolitics #megop

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
Me GOP chair says this is the largest crowd in the history of the state convention. #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Charlie Webster has announced that as soon as Convention Chair is final, lunch is next. #mepolitics #megop

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
@cdixon25 They voting on convention chair now, aren’t they? They don’t choose the party chair at this shindig, do they? #MEGOPConvo

Anthony Ronzio ‏ @Ronzio
ICYMI: The @sunjournal streamed Ron Paul’s speech in Lewiston on Jan. 27. Watch it here: #mepolitics

Susan Sharon ‏ @SusanSharon1
Voting taking place for elex of Me GOP convention chair and it is still slow going #me politics

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
Webster says Platform will have to wait until after lunch due to Ann LePage’s luncheon #mepolitics @SenatorCollins to speak at 1:40

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
@cdixon25 Who are the chair candidates?

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
@DirigoDuke Correct. Party chair vote is at end of the year. #megop #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
@DirigoDuke Charlie Cragin and Brent Tweed. #megop #mepolitics

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
@cdixon25 Ah, I’ve met Brent. Young guy. He’s the Paul-faction candidate I presume?

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
@Ronzio Ron Paul was in Freeport too #mepolitics

Avery Day ‏ @averydayME
Recounting cumb cty vote for chair of convo. Hours behind in agenda. Convo going to deviate from agenda for lunch w/ Gov LeP #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
@DirigoDuke Yeah. Brent is solid. Intelligent and fair. #mepolitics #megop

Dan Demeritt ‏ @DemerittDan
@BDNPolitics I will be there a little later. Will be sure to look for you.

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
@mainedems take note – please provide tables for non-TV media and a lot of power outlets #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Any updates on Nevada convention? #RonPaul

Dan Demeritt ‏ @DemerittDan
@BDNPolitics little worried about causing a mob. I am a pretty big deal among the activists. #danmania

Wm. Duke Harrington ‏ @DirigoDuke
“@DirigoBlue: @mainedems take note – please provide tables for non-TV media and a lot of power outlets #mepolitics” // Also, an open bar.

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
@DemerittDan If that’s your worry, you probably should stay away from me.

Lizzy Reinholt ‏ @Lizzy_Reinholt
@DirigoBlue ha! Will do Gerald. #mepolitics

Marchella ‏ @1Marchella
@cdixon25 oh, sweet! I’ll def be checking your tt’s. Have fun and……!/1Marchella/status/198806301399191554/photo/1

Andrea Parkinson ‏ @andiparkinson2
@Lizzy_Reinholt @DirigoBlue The compiled tweets will make a great “how not to convene” handbook #mepolitics #megop #megopconvo

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Now. I know how #Florida felt in 2000. #InfiniteRecounting #mepolitics #megop

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
Rumor is that a recount of every county will be called for #mepolitics

Lizzy Reinholt ‏ @Lizzy_Reinholt
So much for Unity #megop. I wonder where #megov LePage stands on all this. With Paul or Romney? #mepolitics

Andrea Parkinson ‏ @andiparkinson2
Saturday ME GOP Convention Tweets @DirigoBlue #mepolitics #megop #megopconvo

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
Still don’t have a Convention Chair. National Committee vote two and a half hours late Platform an hour and fifteen late. #mepolitics #megop

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
Now lunch could be pushed back at Maine GOP convention. More recounting going on. It doesn’t look great. #mepolitics

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
Should Paulian Tweed lose the Convo Chair vote by a small margin curious what reaction will be #mepolitics

Lyle ‏ @Citizensnews
He always wants a fight. @Lizzy_Reinholt: I wonder where #megov LePage stands on all this. With Paul or Romney? #mepolitics

Marchella ‏ @1Marchella
@cdixon25 and @Matt_McDonald_ live tweeting from Maine Convention. Check out their tweets. #RonPaul #mepolitics #megop

Maine Politics ‏ @MainePolitics
Dirigo Blue: Saturday ME GOP Convention Tweets #mepolitics

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage
Another win for paul supporters, Brent Tweed wins convention chair by just 4 votes. #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
Brent Tweed, a Ron Paul delegate, selected as Maine GOP convention chairman in a narrow vote. #mepolitics

Troy R. Bennett ‏ @Troy_R_Bennett
Pro Paul chair elected. #MEGOPConvo #mepolitics

Chris Dixon ‏ @cdixon25
#MittRomney campaign is disputing delegate numbers, inquired on credentialed numbers. #megop #mepolitics

Sarah Delage ‏ @sarahdelage
Someone just asked for a total recount by written vote. #mepolitics #maineGOP

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
Rep Timberlake asks for a paper ballot vote for Convo Chair #mepolitics

Lyle ‏ @Citizensnews
Here we go. @DirigoBlue: Rep Timberlake asks for a paper ballot vote for Convo Chair #mepolitics

Avery Day ‏ @averydayME
Vote for Convo chair very close. Paul candidate wins by 4 votes – 2233 votes cast in total. #megop #mepolitics

Pat Callaghan ‏ @PatCallaghan6
@sarahdelage @SusanSharon1 How soon should we start viewing this as a hostage situation??

Gerald Weinand ‏ @DirigoBlue
Webster recesses convention until 1:30 2/3 vote of delegates req’d for paper ballots @SenatorCollins scheduled to speak at 1:40 #mepolitics

BDN Maine Politics ‏ @BDNPolitics
We’re now in a lunch recess at Maine GOP convention. Maine’s first lady Ann LePage will speak to attendees at lunch. #mepolitics

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